Editorial Vision
I care about getting other people’s brilliant work published as much as I care about publishing my own.
In addition to being a writer myself, nineteen years teaching in higher education and seventeen years as an editor have informed my practice. My goal is to help you write the book you want to write, while also being mindful of giving your readers the book they want to read, and marketing your project to the best publishing organizations to get your book into those readers’ hands. I am committed, flexible, and a great cheerleader who isn’t afraid to tell you the truth of what your book can be, while always being kind. I want this to be fun! I want this to be satisfying! I want to help you see things about your work that you can’t see on your own. I will give your words the care they deserve.
I have edited literary and genre fiction, memoirs, and hybrid work, and love each form.
Erin Stalcup is the best editor of fiction I have ever worked with. I’ve published four novels and one collection and countless short stories over a span of 30+ years, while earning an MFA and a PhD in creative writing. So I’ve experienced a plethora of styles and approaches. Erin is, I’ll tell you who she is: Galileo with a telescope and Jane Goodall with a heart in her hands. The two stories she accepted for Waxwing opened for me a new door of understanding just how keenly observant and sensitive she is as an editor. Like magic, she milked much better endings than what I had conceived or could have ever conceived on my own—stories I had been tinkering with for many years. But she didn’t give me the endings. She very sweetly challenged me with just the right probing questions, insights, earnest praise, and faith. She’s a dowser with a forked tongue for truth and affect. Erin is special, I tell you. If she reads your work, you will be much better for it. You will grow up to discover your limits, and shrug them off, I promise you that.
—Sidney Thompson, author of the Bass Reeves trilogy, published by the University of Nebraska Press, and now a show on Paramount+
Erin is the complete editing package. She's fierce, honest and direct in her professional assessments. And she's kind, flexible and patient. She has a sharp eye and ear. She knows quality and pretty much demands it. And she's skilled.
—Wendy Sarkissian, author of Creeksong, published by Tellwell Talent
At this point I have been engaging Erin Stalcup’s services for several years now. In a single word, I have found her to be a remarkable editor, and I intend to work with her on everything that I craft for the remainder of my writing career. She has been very enthusiastic, thorough, and professional in each of my interactions with her. Erin is passionate about her work and has proven to be very collaborative in her efforts to edit my novel. She respects the author’s vision for the story that they wish to gift to the world while, at the same time, demonstrating the skilled hands of a refined seamstress who stitches the places in the work that need to be pulled together by a colorful, fine thread. I would highly recommend Erin to anyone who wants to bring forth the best possible product as she will make your work better!
—William Brennan, author of The Clement Covey, currently out for submission
Books I Edited
Behler Press
The War of the Rosens by Janice Eidus
Mommy I’m Still in Here by Kate McGlaughlin
Nothing Short of Joy by Julie B. Genovese
A Different Shade of Blue by Adam Eisenberg
Gold Wake Press
Oblivion: An After Autobiography by Robin Hemley
Down and Out by J. Andrew Briseńo
Atmosphere Press
Where Destiny Decides by Jessie McDonald
A Florist Called Daisy by Elsie G. Beya
Mall by Pattie Palmer-Baker
The Guitar Player and Other Songs of Exile by Jo Ann Kiser
The Mayari Chronicles: Initium by Karen McLain
A History of Silence by Cynthia J. Bogard
A Rainbow of Chaos by Luisa Kamal
Creeksong by Wendy Sarkissian, published by Tellwell Talent
Grounded by Calre Marcus, forthcoming with New Village Press
Two other of my author’s manuscripts are being considered by agents and publishing houses.
Book Coaching
If you have an idea, but not much of a manuscript yet, I can coach you through the first draft. This is similar to helping graduate students write a thesis, which I’ve done a lot of, and love!
We can structure once-a-month conversations where I read pages, provide written feedback, and we have a phone or Zoom conversation. We can also just chat once a month to brainstorm and throw out ideas. This is the most flexible type of editing, so we can tailor it to your needs and preferences.
I charge $250 a session, and will read up to 10,000 words and have a one-hour conversation per session. You can schedule as many sessions as are useful for you!
Developmental Editing
If you have a complete manuscript, but you know it’s not yet the best version of itself, I can help you revise. This is frankly my favorite type of editing, where we get deep into plot, pacing, structure, characterization, atmosphere, as well as what the book is investigating or exploring.
Typically, I read a draft of your manuscript, develop my ideas for what I see would strengthen it, and then we speak about them. If my thoughts resonate with you, I’ll then re-read the manuscript and provide extensive margin notes, a written letter, and a phone or Zoom conversation to go over any questions you have.
Once you’ve revised, we can also have a second round of me reading your work and getting the final draft ready to go, if that would be useful to you.
I use the Editorial Freelancers Association’s guide to set my rates: 4¢ a word for fiction, and 5¢ a word for nonfiction, memoir, and hybrid work.
I am happy to edit individual stories or essays, not just completed book manuscripts.
If your manuscript has been revised and is almost ready to go out in the world, but you want to make sure that it is correct, clear, and consistent, I can be your final read. I will provide you extensive line edits, shown in Track Changes so that you can accept or reject them, as well as a written letter which will include a Style Sheet (explanations for any edits I suggested).
I use the Editorial Freelancers Association’s guide to set my rates: 3¢ a word for all prose.
I am also available to help actually send your work out into the world, once it’s ready.
—Agent querying: I can write a query letter for you, and send it to ten agents selected from databases for potentially being the best fit for your manuscript. This includes a read through of your manuscript in order to best know how to pitch it; if you’d like feedback and suggestions for potential revisions, please see above. $500 flat fee.
—Book proposals: if you have a nonfiction manuscript that needs a proposal as part of the querying process, I can write that for you! This includes the query letter and submission to ten applicable agents mentioned above. $1000 flat fee.
—Submission to literary magazines: if you have parts of a manuscript that can help promote the complete book, I can help you try to get them published. I can write a cover letter and send it to ten journals selected for being most open to that particular piece of writing. $500 flat fee. (Again, if you’d like feedback in order to revise before this part of the process, see above.)
General Information
When we schedule our collaboration we’ll discuss timelines for when you can have the work ready, and when I can return it. Once we’ve agreed upon each of our expectations and commitments, I require half of the payment upfront, and half upon completion.
If you’d like to get to know me better as a writer, the rest of this website is about that part of my life!
If you’d like to schedule editorial services, or discuss further whether we’d be a good fit, please email me at erin.editor.freelance@gmail.com.